2014年5月29日 星期四


Level E and F
We were very impressed with the effort students put in their work. Some of the books were good enough to be sold in bookstores! The winning booklets had these qualities in common:
l   Booklet is neatly drawn, written and bound
l   Adheres to the competition page and word count limit
l   Creativity and originality
l   Good morals or lessons within the stories
l   Writing content is interesting and rich
The booklets should be easy and fun to read. On every page, there should be a clear connection between the writing and the drawing. The most enjoyable booklets have a clear beginning, middle and end where the story/essay could be sad, scary or funny. Please keep in mind that students don’t need to use difficult vocabulary; we’re looking for ‘age-appropriate’ content that is both genuine and expressive.
Level E and F 創作小書
˙ 每一本小書都有完整的畫作、書寫與裝訂
˙ 參與的作品都謹守頁數與字數的要求
˙ 故事充滿創意與原創性
˙ 帶有寓意及教育意義
˙ 內容豐富有趣

