2014年5月29日 星期四


All the students did a wonderful job in this competition. The essays that have been carefully selected by the judges have these qualities in common:
l   Neat drawing and writing
l   Creativity and originality
l   Good morals or lessons within the stories
l   Writing content is interesting and rich
Some of the judges’ favorites had beautiful use of coloring and simple but rich writing content. Please keep in mind that the drawings don’t need to be extravagant. We’re simply looking for neatness and colors that “catch the eyes.” The essays should be coherent. Students don’t need to use difficult vocabulary; we’re looking for ‘age-appropriate’ content that is both genuine and expressive.
Level P 繪畫寫作
˙ 整齊乾淨的畫面與書寫
˙ 充滿創意與原創性
˙ 故事帶有寓意及教育意義
˙ 內容豐富有趣

