2014年5月27日 星期二

☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品 ☆大雅分校,Bonny 魏子淳

No More Sweets
Avril is a girl who likes to eat sweets. She often has a toothache because she doesn’t like to brush her teeth after eating sweets. Her mother always tells her not to eat too many sweets, but she never listens. One day, after seeing a dentist, Avril got two pills. The dentist told Avril she had to take one pill a day, so she would feel better. After she took the first pill, she fell asleep. Then, she came to a forest. In the forest, she saw a river chocolate, trees made of cotton candy and flowers made of lollipops. She quickly jumped into the river, had a bite of tree leaves and licked some tasty flowers. Then, she kept walking in the woods. She found a house made of cake and pie. She was very happy, so walked in without knocking on the door. “Wow!” I can eat as much as I want.” Then she started to eat the table, the chair and the window. When she was about to eat the wall, she heard strange footsteps approaching. When she turned around, she saw two big eyes staring angrily at her. They shouted at her, “How dare you! You are eating our house.” Then Avril quickly ran out of house. They started to chase Avril. She was very scared. While she was running, she found the other pill in her pocket, so she swallowed it. After that, she woke up. When she woke up, she told her mom she would never eat sweets again. 

         學生姓名:Bonny (魏子淳)
         指導老師:Sunny 丁豔紅

