Over the Rainbow
Once upon a time, there were seven genies named Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue, Indigo and Voilet. Each of them had a paintbrush. They used their own
paintbrushes to paint different colors.
Whenever the rain stopped and there was sunshine, they
would take their paintbrushes and start to paint the sky. One day, while they
were painting, Red Genie dropped his paintbrush. If fell from the sky and they
didn’t know where it landed. They were worried.
Jack was a farmer. He grew apples for a living, but
his apples always looked very small and green, so he was poor. One day, on his
farm, he found something. He picked it up and used it to dust his apple.
Suddenly, the apples turned big and red. He was very surprised, so ha dusted
other apples, too. They all became big and beautiful. He quickly harvested all
the apples and sold all of them. He felt terrific.
Two days later, when Jack was on his way home, he saw
a tiny boy crying. He told Jack he lost his paintbrush. If he couldn’t find it,
the world would turn black and white. Jack told him he found one, then he
showed it to the boy. Jack said because of this paintbrush, his apples grew big
and red. The boy told him that he was the Red Genie. Red Genie told him if he
could give the paintbrush back to him, he would help him Jack agreed. Since
then, people still could see the beautiful rainbow with seven colors and Jack’s
apples were as beautiful as the rainbow.
學生姓名:Emily (葉育禎)
指導老師:Sunny 丁豔紅
學生姓名:Emily (葉育禎)
指導老師:Sunny 丁豔紅